October 27, 2011

10 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 32.1 This Week: 31.9
Last week: Body Fat 45.8% This week: 45.9%
Last week: Muscle: 24% This week: 23.9%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 8
Last week Waist: 38" This week: 38"
Last week Thigh: 23" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 197.4 This week: 196.2
Weight loss this week: 1.2 pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 28.8 pounds!

I had a plan free 4 day weekend so this loss is not only a surprise but fabulous! It means I stayed focused on what I was doing even off plan. I will say that I have been trying some tools I learned from the book Intuitive Eating. For instance, when I wanted something I had it. I told myself, "You can have a piece of cheesecake and you can have as many as you want". Something happened. I only wanted one piece. What has changed? Before I would have condemned myself for having one piece of very fattening cheese cake. I would have felt so bad that I would have binged on the 4 pieces that were left. Then I would have started in on brownies and whatever else I could get my hands on! By telling myself it was OK and for not beating myself up I WAS SATISFIED! Wow. What a break through. I think I am finally seeing what they are truely saying in this book. It will be a long process. One step at a time!

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October 26, 2011

Principle 5: Feel Your Fullness

Chapter 9 according to Intuitive Eating.

Listen for the body signals that tell you you are no longer hungry. Observe the signs that show you're comfortably full. Pause in the middle of eating and ask yourself how the food tastes, and what your current fullness level is.

Here is what comfortable satiety feels like:
* A subtle feeling of stomach fullness
* Feeling satisfied and content
* Nothingness - neither hungry nor full

Start with conscious eating. Be patient with yourself this will take time.
1. Pause in the middle of a meal or snack for a time out. Ask yourself if the food you are eating is worthy of your taste buds. Or are you eating because the food is just there? Ask yourself what you fullness or hunger level is. Are you still hungry or is your hunger going away?
2. When you finish eating (whatever the amount), ask yourself where your fulness level is now. Did you reach comfortable satiety or did you surpass it? And by how much?
3. Discover your fullness level. Journal your fullness level so you can start getting back in touch with it.
4. Don't feel obligated to leave food on your plate. This is a diet mentality.

Increase consciousness:
1. Eat without distraction.
2. Reinforce your consious decision to stop! This can be as simple as moving your plate away from you.
3. Defend yourself from obligatory eating. Practice saying "No thank you".

The next chapter will deal with satisfaction factor and chapter 11 is devoted to if you can not stop eating. This is the chapter I need to read.
Although I did want to share my HUGE win with you!
My husband took me out to eat for Mexican. I ordered the fajita salad. I ate half and consciously realized I was full. I stopped eating. I gave the plate to him to finish. It was amazing! I had the power - not the food! It felt great. These principles I am sharing take a long time to master. Just remember that every step along the way is a learning experience. Learn from it and move on! Do not dwell on it.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 24, 2011

Principle 4: Challenge the Food Police

Chapter 8 of the book Intuitive Eating.

Scream a loud "NO" to thoughts in your head that declare you're "good" for eating under 1000 calories or "bad" because you ate a piece of cake. The food police monitor the unreasonable rules that dieting has created. The police station is housed deep in your psyche and its loudspeaker shouts negative barbs, hopeless phrases, and guilt-provoking indictments. Chasing the food police away is a critical step in returning to intuitive eating.

There is more than one voice in your head though and here are some examples.

The food police have some common rules to judge your eating. Here they are:
1. Don't eat at night
2. Better not eat that bagel too many carbs
3. You didn't excercise today better not eat dinner
4. It's not time to eat yet - don't have that snack
5. You ate too much
This talk hurts you because it keeps food and your body at war. It never helps you!
The nutrition informant sounds like this:
1. Check those fat grams, anything above 1 gram is unacceptable
2. Don't eat foods with added sweeteners
This talk hurts you when it colludes with the food police. It operates under the guise of health but it's promoting an unconscious diet.
The diet rebel sounds like this:
1. You're not going to get me to eat that plain broiled chicken!
2. I'll show you, you think I should lose 5 pounds huh - I'll put on 10
3. Let's see how many cookies I can stuff in before mom gets home
4. I can't wait til my husband goes out of town so I can eat whatever I want.

Now there are ways to replace these voices (you'll have to read the book)!

Here are a few examples of process thinking:

1. This was a rough week. But I learned some new things about myself that will help me make changes in the future.
2. My weight loss seems to come in spurts. Now and then I even gain a little but it's all part of the process. Our bodies do not behave like machines with linear results.
3. I ate more than I wanted to at the restaurant tonight, especially dessert. But I learned that giving myself permission to eat dessert took away the urgency to have sweets again. Usually I would have binged when I got home, alone.

SELF AWARENESS is the ultimate weapon against the food police.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 20, 2011

9 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 32.4 This Week: 32.1
Last week: Body Fat 46.6% This week: 45.8%
Last week: Muscle: 23.6% This week: 24%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 9
Last week Waist: 38" This week: 38"
Last week Thigh: 23" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 199.4 This week: 197.4
Weight loss this week: 2 pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 27.6 pounds!

YEAH! I am surprised. I did cheat this week. I had halloween candy. And now guess what? I want to eat more and more and more!!! I called my psychologist and made my first appointment for my binge eating disorder. This week was a wake up call. Look at my weight loss. And I am thinking of sabotaging that. Not good. That is reason one. Reason two is my daughter. She binge eats in private. She is 12. Makes me want to cry. Of all the things I could pass onto her. These kids are under so much stress and pressure these days. Body image is huge to them. So I have decided to make the first step and then make her an appointment as well. We will both get through this together. I know we will be fine. I just would never wish these struggles on anyone and now I have to watch my daughter have them.

I have family coming to stay with us for the weekend and a party at my house on Friday night. I plan on watching what I eat. Will I go off plan? Yes. Will it be extreme? No!

Excercise this week: 2 times at gym. Other days - walk the dog.
Water - Enough just not as much as usual.
Cheerleader - yes. I visited a few sights this week. Everyone is doing great!
Book - Read past 2 posts for my book reports. Very good book. Intuitive Eating.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 19, 2011

Principle 3: Make Peace with food

My book report on Chapter 7 of Intuitive Eating.

Call a truce; stop the food fight! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and often bingeing. When you finally give in to your forbidden foods, eating will be experienced with such intensity, it usually result in last supper overeating and overwhelming guilt.

Ok - this is me. Strict deprivation when I am dieting and then binge. I could really relate to this chapter. Makes sense. I feel I am really far from being able to give myself permission to eat anything but that is probably from years of not trusting myself. This book talks about how it is NORMAL for anyone who deprives themselves of something they then want that something with immense longing. Reminds me of when I go on vacation. By the end I want a home cooked meal so bad! Not junk food because I have that on vacation just a home cooked meal. Because I was deprived of that while on vacation.

Here is when I binge:
The moment a forbidden food is eaten.
The moment my calorie level is exceeded.
The moment a diet rule is broken.

How many of you have the LAST SUPPER before starting your diet? I do. Usually a buffet. I gorge myself like I am never going to eat again! Thinking about it I think I have had 50+ LAST SUPPERS in my 37 years of life. Yikes!

Here is what it means to give yourself permission to eat:
Throwing out the perconceived notion that certain foods are good and others bad. No one food has the power to make you fat or thin.
Eating what you really want.
Eating without obligatory penance. (OK I can have this cake now but tomorrow I diet).

Five Steps to making Peace with Food
1. Pay attention to the foods that appeal to you and make a list of them.
2. Put a check by the foods you actually eat, then circle remaining foods that you have been restricting.
3. Give yourself permission to eat one forebidden food from your list. Then go buy this food or order it in a restaurant.
4. Check in with yourself to see if the food tastes as good as you imagined. If you find that you really like it - give yourself permission to buy or order it.
5. Make sure you keep enough food in your kitchen so you know it will be there if you want it.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 17, 2011

Principle 2: Honor your Hunger

From the book Intuitive Eating.
Keep your body fed biologically with adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise, you can trigger a primal drive to overeat. Once you reach the moment of excessive hunger, all intentions of moderate, conscious eating are fleeting and irrelevant. Learning to honor this first biological signal sets the stage for rebuilding trust with yourself and food.

The first step is to honor your hunger. Your body needs to know consistently that it will have access to food. That dieting and deprivation have halted once and for all.
You need to listen for your hunger. Ask yourself "Am I hungry? What is my hunger level?" Here are some signs of hunger:
* Mild gurgling or gnawing of stomach
* Growling noises
* Light headedness
* Difficulty concentrating
* Uncomfortable stomach pain
* Irratability
* Feeling Faint
* Headache
Everyone is different with their hunger just try to not get ravenous. General guideline: no longer than 5 waking hours without eating.
Start by monitoring your hunger level before, during and after you eat. Chart it to see if there are any patterns you can learn from. Don't be discouraged, if you have been dieting for a long time this will be a very hard thing to learn again. Take your time and LISTEN to your body. Are you hungry?

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 13, 2011

8 week weigh in


Last week: BMI 32.5 This Week: 32.4
Last week: Body Fat 45.9% This week: 46.6%
Last week: Muscle: 24% This week: 23.6%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 9
Last week Waist: 41" This week: 38"
Last week Thigh: 23" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 200 This week: 199.4
Weight loss this week: .6
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 25.6 pounds!

This week my body was catching up to the weight loss. It is to be expected. Look at my waist measurements! YEAH!!! My pants are getting looser. I am below 200. Again, time to celebrate!

I have more energy and I feel great.

Working out 4 times a week at the gym and walking the dog 2 miles on other days. Drinking plenty of the right kind of fluids. Reading my book. Cheering my blogging team on! Blogging twice a week or more. Getting healthy! Rocking this weight loss!

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 12, 2011

Reject the Diet mentality

I am reading Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. This will be what I learn in my Compulsive Eating therapy so I thought I would read it to see what it is about. I will do a review of a principle every so often. Today I want to review principle one: Reject the Diet Mentality.

Dieter's Dilemma

A. Desire to be thin
B. Dieting
C. Cravings: Reduced self control
D. Loss of Control: Overeating
E. Regain of lost weigh

Step 1: Recognize and acknowledge the damage that dieting causes
1. Diets teach the body to retain more fat when you start eating again.
2. Diets slow the rate of weight loss with each attempt.
3. Diets decrease metabolism.
4. Diets increase binges and cravings.
5. Diets increase risk of premature death and heart disease.
6. Diets cause satiety cues to atrophy.
7. Diets cause body shape to change.
8. Diets are linked to eating disorders.
9. Diets cause feelings of failure, lowered self esteem and social anxiety.

Step 2: Be aware of diet mentality traits and thinking
1. Forget willpower. Willpower can be defined as an attempt to counter natural desires and replace them with proscriptive rules.
2. Forget being obedient. When dieting you will eventually rebel by eating more.
3. Forget about failure. You can not fail at intuitive eating. Every step is a learning experience.

Step 3: Get rid of the dieter's tools.
1. The scale. It is a false idol.
The only tools you need are internal cues, not outside forces telling you what, when and how much to eat.

This first principle goes against everything I have done for a very long time. It is a lot to absorb. It also made me think that maybe I need to start my therapy now. That I have a lot of work to do and I should get started. I wonder how long it takes a person like me to ditch the diet mentality! Dieting is all I ever think about from sun up to sun down. I think about it when I eat, when I excercise, when I get dressed, when I am in social situations, when I am falling asleep, when I lose weight, when I gain weight, when I binge, after I binge and when I shop. I have a lot of work to do! Any thoughts on this? It is a whole new way of living for most of us.

Live healthy at thinchic.com!

October 10, 2011

Great Weekend!

We took our last camping trip this weekend. It was great to be together and relax. I did have a couple drinks and a brownie. But that was OK because I stopped. And because I did not obsess over it, I did not think about having more. It was great! It was the most delicious glass of wine and the best brownie EVER! I savored every little piece of it.
Did I gain? Not sure, I have not weighed. I do not plan on it either because I am not going to let a little indulgence ruin my week. Back on plan today and weigh Thursday. No worries!

What was different? I told myself it was not going to ruin my diet by having these things. And I told myself I do not need more. There will be other times I can have it again. No need to eat a years worth now. I used the not depriving myself philosophy and it worked. Now I will not say I am a pro at this. I still need therapy to learn how to do this but it really worked for me this weekend. I am very happy with how it went.

Hope all of you had a great weekend! They are so few and far between, that you need to enjoy all of them to the fullest!

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 6, 2011

7 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 33.9 This Week: 32.5
Last week: Body Fat 47% This week: 45.9%
Last week: Muscle: 23.1% This week: 24%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 9
Last week Waist: 40" This week: 41"
Last week Thigh: 24" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 202.4 This week: 200
Weight loss this week: 2.4

I am very happy with these numbers. I kinda had to laugh because the scale could not say 199.9 NOOOO WAY! Not under 200. Not yet!!! Next week!

I am feeling amazing. I love being thinner. I love all that I can do. I love the energy I have. I love everything about it.

I am changing my book to "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole. I am doing this because this is what my psychologist said my binge eating program would be about. So I need to prepare for my next step. So that is the book I will be discussing here on this blog from now on. I do believe the Beck Diet is wonderful but it is a lot to follow. Unless you have a ton of time for yourself - it is a hard one.

Right now in my journey I am trying to learn how to tell when I am hungry. Am I really hungry or is there another reason I want to eat? This sounds much easier than it is! I continue to work on it every minute of the day.

Excercise is going great! 4 times at the gym and then walks with my dog. I really like my zumba class and my ab class makes me hurt all week so I know that is working! Yoga is absolutely wonderful on a Friday after working out hard all week.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 4, 2011

More answers...

I hope everyone who posted comments reads this because I will try to answer questions on this post. I WILL share any information I can as I go through my new journey of being diagnosed with complusive eating disorder. Like many of you, I have been told suck it up, show some willpower, only you can control what you eat. While this is mostly true, compulsive eating disorder is a mental diagnosis. The only TRUE help for it is to get professional help from a psychologist and do the therapy. This disorder is just like anorexia - you never see an anorexic doing this on their own yet everyone thinks to stop eating can be conquered on your own. Seriously, if you can relate to the signs I posted yesterday please find your behavior specialist and just talk to them! It does not hurt! My psychologist said I will regain all my weight AGAIN if I do not get treatment. It is just a fact. She wasn't being negative just real! There will be those people in your life who DO NOT GET IT! My new response is "This is a mental disorder. Would you say that to a schizophrenic"? I need to work on my issues to overcome this. Then the weight should follow.

Normal eating is learning to listen to your body. Stopping when you are full. Eating when you are hungry. "Dieting" is deprivation. So, what I do is diet or deprive myself then when I am off the diet or something happens I eat everything I could not have before. I binge. I eat 5000 calories in less than a day. It is ugly and very hard to admit. So I go from 800 calories dieting to 5000 binging - not normal! For instance, I lost 75 pounds 2 years ago. Gained it all back in a year. Now I am trying to lose the same 75 pounds by restricting my diet the same way I did last time. This is why I sought help. I do not want to repeat the cycle any more!

Thank you for all the support! You are a great bunch of ladies that I would love to meet for coffee and talk about this with.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!

October 3, 2011

Compulsive Eating Disorder

Since my diagnoses on Thursday, I have been reading about this disorder. I can relate to this so I know she made the right diagnoses but I thought I should talk about it so if any of you yo yo dieters can relate you can also seek professional help. She said without help I will regain my weight back just like I have with the past 50 diets.

Here are the 6 warning signs:
1. Eating a lot of food quickly. I always thouht the faster I ate the less it stayed on. Plus I did not want people to see me eat.
2. Bingeing at least twice a week for 6 months. I have done it for years. And there were spans where it was a daily thing. The doctor said she was surprised I did not weigh more than I do!
3. Bingeing alone. Yep, right after everyone leaves. I work nights so I have all day to binge and then all night at work.
4. Being unable to stop eating. It is like you are in a zone. You don't even realize what you have all eaten until after the binge is over then the guilt and self hatred set in.
5. Feeling depressed and guilty after bingeing, feeling self hate. I hated the fact that I was out of control. I like having control over everything and this is one area in my life I feel I do not have it.
6. Not purging, fasting or excercising after bingeing. Never! I wanted to sleep. I thought if I went to sleep it would all go away.

Some cool points to consider:
1. All eating disorders start with a diet to lose weight. HMMMM!!!!
2. If you are a complusive eater. You probally are compulsive in another area of your life like shopping. Yes I am!! I am trying to break that too.
3. 2 to 5% of people have compulsive eating disorder, 1 to 3 have bulimia, less than 1% have anorexia. And do you believe the compulsive eating disorder JUST received it's own category? That is where majority of people with eating disorders fall!!!
4. A traumatic event can trigger binge eating.
5. Overcoming an eating disorder is more difficult than overcoming alcohol or drugs because you need food to live! I think this is why I do so good on shake diets because I have eliminated the food.
6. Almost 1/3 of people who sign up in a weight loss program have binge eating disorder. WOW!

There you have it! Lots of information and lots more to go through. I am getting myself ready for therapy. It took me all weekend but I have come to the conclusion that YES I do have this and YES I do need help!

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!