August 31, 2011

The first step

I was a brave girl today. I called the behavior specialist for my binge eating. It got easier after the initial first sentence, "Hi I am calling because I think I may have a problem with binge eating". Hardest words to admit. She then asked me some questions. She said tonight the doctors meet and they will discuss each case and assign it to the doctor they feel best suited to help you. She will call me tomorrow to let me know the decision.
I feel empowered that I have made the right choice and that someone will be able to help me. I feel scared that they will make me do something I do not want to do. How do you like that? I am very happy I made the call because now I feel like I am taking steps to get healthy.
Here is my food log daily for the past 2 weeks:
3 Herbalife shakes for Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2 Herbalife protein snacks for in between meals.
I am doing very good on it - I have not cheated. I am eating no food so the cravings are gone. I have been to several parties and I just bring my shake and protein bars with. I let everyone know and that keeps me from cheating.
I am starting to feel very full through the day so I know my stomach is shrinking.
Tomorrow I weigh in! I am excited. Now that I know I am doing this so well weighing in is very exciting maybe even fun!

Live healthy at!


  1. That was really really brave! Hope it ends up being a big help to you when it happens. :)

  2. Thanks for the support KT! I will need it!
