December 5, 2011

Week 15 - NO WEIGH IN

Sorry - I forgot to link up yesterday!

You read the heading right. No weigh in! This is part of my therapy this week. My therapist asked me not to weigh. I hesitantly agreed. She said my metabolism is slow and my body is adjusting so weight gain is very normal. But she does not want it to affect my mindset. I also have to keep working on conscious eating this week.

Here is what I am doing. I am eating what I want only during scheduled times. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and snack. If I want doritos during snack I have it. If I want a Christmas cookie, I have it.
Now this is almost harder on me than a diet. I know this sounds weird. But I have a fear of a binge if I eat a cookie. Here is the weird part! I hardly even crave these things. This is because I have given myself permission to have them. And because they are readily available. I have a grocery bag of individual bags of chips and sweet chex mix at work. I can have one for snack if that is what I want. I also bring other things to work so I have decisions. My therapist and I decided work was a safe place to have the snacks since I am alone here at home during the day. I will let you know how this week goes with my bag of treats.

The other thing is conscious eating. I hate it. I am bad at it. I can not believe how hard it is. Makes me wonder what else I am missing in life because I am unconsciously going through the motions. This week I will eat my snacks without distractions. I will focus on taste, texture, sight, smell and the moment. Do I like this snack? Or could I stop eating it? Again I will report on this next week.

I meet with the dietician on the 12th. She is going to help me eat a more well rounded diet. She specializes in eating disorders so she knows what is best and when. I am worried about my meeting with her. I feel like it will be another diet that I will fail at.

Thanks for all the support!

Live healthy at!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely do what the therapist says!!!

    My metabolism is also slow. My body temperature is one point and more lower than normal (usually a sign of that). We work with what we have. I did the refeed to try to jumpstart, and we'll see how that goes...I plan to alternate refeeds with normal (for me) dieting patterns of meals. It's an ongoing self-experimentation. :)

    Do what your therapist says, believe in your ability to progress. You will heal.
