November 30, 2011


I started to read a new book called Eating, Drinking and Overthinking by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema.

WOW! I can relate to what she says. She calls it the toxic triangle. For instance, on Thanksgiving, I was sitting at the table visiting. The wine came out. Then another. I drink so fast that before I knew it, I think I finished one bottle myself. Of course, this made me hungry. I snacked and snacked. Not like binge eating because people were there. But I was overeating and overdrinking. Does anyone else do this?

45% of women report that they are chronically on a diet.
1 in 5 adult women suffers from some form of alcohol abuse and over 13% engage in binge drinking.
1 in 4 women will suffer a severe depressive episode at least once in her lifetime, while over 50% experience mild symptoms of depression.

I will say I have consciously made an effort these last 6 months to limit my drinks. I can drink alot and in a little amount of time. So I plan that out just like I plan food out for the day. I have to or next thing I know, I have finished a 6 pack or 2 bottles of wine.

If you have this issue please pick up this book. It has been an eye opener for me!

Live Healthy at!


  1. I never was much of a drinker. Got drunk at 18 when it was legal for me to drink--out with best friend and guzzled for the first time. HATED THE FEELING. Never got drunk again. I have, maybe, 6 drinks a year, MAYBE, meaning a half a glass of wine with some chi-chi meal or fancy feast.

    This year, maybe 4 drinks. I just only have so many calories, and when I weigh booze against wins. :D "Would you like a glass of wine or this cup of soup?" Soup, please? "Would you like this mojito or this piece of dark chocolate?" Chocolate, please. Easy, peasy for me to choose cheese over vino.

    Here's to you saying no more often to th drink. Not good for the tatas...though a small amount of some (like wine) is good for the heart.

    Glad you recommended a book. I'm sure there are folks who'll find it beneficial.

  2. I'm not a drinker either, once every few years I'm stupid and way over indulged and then wish I hadn't.
    I do want to know about the over indulging though. This book you are reading sounds really good.
    Keep sharing my friend, thank you for this. Take care and have a blessed evening.
