November 11, 2011

12 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 32.1 This Week: 32.4
Last week: Body Fat 46.2% This week: 44.7%
Last week: Muscle: 23.8% This week: 24.7%
Last week: Visceral Fat 8 This week: 8
Last week Waist: 38" This week: 39"
Last week Thigh: 23" This week: 23.5"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 197.2 This week: 199.4
Weight loss this week: Plus 2.2 pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 25.4 pounds

As you can see, I am bingeing again! Not sure why. I think that is the part that is frustrating. I am trying to learn from it and figure out why but I can not. What are my triggers?
My overwhelmingly controling boss?
My job?
The holidays?
My finances?
My family?
My friends?
My strict diet?
My time of month?
I really do not know. If I did I would eliminate it. That is how sick and tired I am of doing this over and over again!

I have broken every principle I have learned.
I have not honored my hunger. I have not felt anything. I am numb.
I have not made peace with food. I hate food this morning. I hate the control it has over me. I hate the fact it makes me fat. I hate the fact I love it so much!
I did not feel my fullness. I was so full last night and yet after my 5th bag of chips I searched for something sweet!
I have not discovered the satisfaction factor. This is why I keep searching for what I want, what I need. In search of the perfect food to make it all better. Whatever IT is?
I have not respected my body. I know my blood sugars hit the roof yesterday and probably still are. Did I care? No.

I feel like crap today. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I need to get out of this rut! I need to reclaim my life.

Here is the positive. I worked out 3 days this week. I had great workouts! Next week I am trying a hula hooping class. How fun with that be?

I am leaving today with my daughter to do to a beginner quilting retreat. We will each make a quilt in 15 hours. Should be interesting since I have never touched a sewing machine in my life! I am excited to learn something new. It will be a fun weekend.

Today is a new day!

Live healthy at!


  1. Awe, I´m sorry you´re having a hard time. It´s good you´re getting out of the house and I hope you enjoy your quilting weekend. When you get back home, just start over. Forget last week and do it better next week.

  2. I had a less than stellar week too, but as long as you get back on the horse you'll be fine. Don't let a bad week be a huge setback. Have fun and your quilting retreat and come back with a renewed sense of motivation.

  3. Drink a lot of water and get all that sugar and salt out of your system. Then start over eating only healthy foods and lots of veggies for 2 or 3 days so you can get your body back wanting nutritious foods instead of junk. Start now. And keep up the exercising. You had a bad few days. For whatever reason. Get back on the wagon and ride, girl!

  4. I am so sorry you are having a hard time. YOu know we've all gone through it. The journey is difficult. Keep in mind this is just a small setback and you will learn something, something internal, some strategy, something and move forward.
    Drink a lot of fluids. Add decaf green tea to your routine, if you can. Iced is nice. Make sure you get loads of protein (satiety). And destress as you can. But keep the faith, the hope and know that if you persist and keep learning and adapting, you will win the fight. We will. keep going....a bad patch will NOT defeat you!!!!!

  5. Get away and enjoy and when you get back home maybe you'll feel better and ready to just start over. Remember this isn't easy and you just need to figure out what triggers these feelings but if you don't, just keep trying because I have faith in you, I know that you will get to where you want to be. Just take it a day at a time, a meal at a time, an hour at a time. Also I am here if you need me, email me any time. Take care my friend. Blessings!!

  6. Today IS a new day! Our principles, thankfully, are not like pieces of Humpty. :) They're glue instead- the blueprint for putting ourselves back together again when we struggle. Hope the hula hooping and quilting is fun, and that you have an excellent week.

  7. If you've had a history of binge eating, you'll never find that "one" reason that caused this binge. Every emotion can cause a binge because it's almost like a short circuit in our brain that happened when we had that first binge that made us feel better. Funny thing is that even when we felt good, when we were happy, we convinced ourselves that an indulgence here and there was okay .... at least that's what happened to me. It is very hard to get over! The only thing you can do is learn not to let your mind control your eating no matter how stressed, happy, sad, bored, angry, tired, etc. you are. Because regardless of what emotion you're feeling, any little thought can trigger a need to binge.

    It's a work in progress, that's why it takes so long to lose weight and why it's so hard to keep the extra weight off. I hope your quilting retreat helped clear your head so it can be easier for you this week! :)
