November 17, 2011

Principle 10: Honor your Health - Gentle Nutrition

According to Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole, Chapter 14.

Make food choices that honor your health and taste buds while making you feel well. Remember that you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It's what you eat consistently over time that matters. Progress, not perfection, is what counts.

OK, I can stop right here. This is SO me! I diet and I am doing awesome (according to me) and then WHAM! I eat something off plan. OH NO, I just fell off my diet plan so now I might as well stay off and eat what I want. Then I gain my weight back and then I diet again. Vicious cycle. I need to get my mind to think like the first paragraph. It is only one time or even one day. Move on. Perfectionism maybe? All or nothing attitude?

The best nutritional advice is to eat variety, in moderation and in balance. In fact, people who omit food groups have a higher chance of dying. How many of you eat the same meal everyday? When was the last time you tried a new bread? In the world of dieting it seems easier just to omit certain foods rather than balance them in your meals. But if you eliminate whole food groups it is harder to get the nutrients your body needs. Moderation simply means eating various amounts of food without going to extremes of either too little or too much.
Balance is intended to be achieved over time. It does not have to be reached at each and every meal. Your body does not punch a time clock. Nutrition guidelines are meant to be an average over time, not a single meal or day. Your body is remarkably adaptable.
* If you eat too little iron, the body starts to absorb more of it.
* If you take in too much vitamin C, the body begins to excrete more of it.
* If you eat too little in general, the body slows its need for calories.

Follow your food pyramid for a well balanced diet!

I will be working hard to get to this point. I have trained myself to think certain food were bad. Even bread! I need to work on balancing my diet.

Live healthy at!

1 comment:

  1. Food for thought, an excellent post. Really!!! When following Allan's plan lots of things were left out which is what I was doing and was fine with. Now no Allan and back to figuring it out again. I like the different foods again and I'm not feeling deprivied. Now just moderation. Keep the great posts coming. Your teaching this not so young dog a few new tricks ( not old either!! ). Take care and God Bless
