November 7, 2011

Principle 8: Respect Your Body

According to Chapter 12 in the book called Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole.

Accept your genetic blueprint. Just as a person with a shoe size of eight would not expect realistically to squeez into a size six, it is equally futile (and uncomfortable) to have a similar expectation about body size. Respect your body so you can feel better about who you are. It's hard to reject the diet mentality if you are unrealistic and overly critical of your body shape.

Body vigilance begets body worry, which begets food worry, which fuels the cycle of dieting. As long as you are at war with your body it will be difficult to be at peace with yourself and food. Does the self loathing because of your body help? Does chewing yourself out because you gained weight back you lose it? These things make you feel worse and start a vicious dieting cycle of losing and gaining. Instead you should Repect your body. You don't have to like every part of your body to repect it. Repecting your body means treating it with dignity, and meeting its basic needs.
Here are the basic premises of body respect:
1. My body deserves to be fed.
2. My body deserves to be treated with dignity.
3. My body deserves to be dressed comfortably and in the manner I am accustomed to.
4. My body deseves to be touched affectionately and with respect.
5. My body deserves to move comfortably.

Get comfortable: Do your clothes fit? I have seen the most gorgeous larger bodied women in my life. Why? Because they are wearing clothes that fit. It will make you feel better - buy some clothes that fit you! I went out and bought new bras the other day. Every morning when I put them on I smile because they are so pretty and comfortable. Just a small respectful thing I did for my body.

Quit the Body check game: Have you ever walked in a room and thought, "I am the biggest one here". Stop it! You have no idea what the other women's stories are. And they probably would surprise you! The person you may be admiring probably is miserable in her body as well. Or they may just be naturally lean. Or they may have had weight loss surgery. You are you - respect your body without comparison!

Don't compromise for the "Big Event": How much time have you spent getting your body ready for the big event? These quick diets only backfire and lead to more yo yo dieting. Buy an outfit that fits you - you will look stunning for the big event!

Stop Body Bashing: Everytime you focus on your imperfect body parts it creates more self-consciousness and body worry. If you become aware of how many times you body bash, I bet you would be surprised. Instead focus on what you do like about your body. Instead of, "My thighs are too big". Try, "I like my muscular calves". Or try respectful statements. Instead of, "I can't stand my cellulite dimpled legs". Try, "I'm lucky I have legs that can move my body".

Respect Body diversity, especially yours: We come in all shapes and sizes, yet we somehow expect a one size fits all as long as it is thin. Look at identical twins. Their body shapes are different. Genetics plays a huge part in how your bady shape is.

Be Realistic: Living on rice cakes and water to get the body you want is not realistic. If your parents are heavy, chances are you will never be model thin.

Do nice things for your body: Pamper your body with a massage or whirlpool. These things not only show your body respect but they make you feel good. You deserve to feel good!

Take one of these things and try it! Respect your body today and everyday!

Live healthy at!

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