November 4, 2011

Principle 7: Cope with your emotions without using food

This is the longest chapter. And no wonder. We all use food for emotions. From celebrating a great event to being too stressed at work. We eat.

According to Chapter 11 of Intuitive Eating.

Find ways to comfort, nuture, ditract, and resolve your issues without using food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, and anger are emotions we all experience throughout life. Each has its own trigger, and each has its own appreasement. Food won't fix any of these feelings. It may comfort you for the short term, distract from the pain, or even numb you into a food hangover. But food won't solve the problem. If anything, eating for an emotional hunger will only make you feel worse in the long run. You'll ultimately have to deal with the source of the emotion, as well as the discomfort of overeating.

Here are some of the ways food can be used to cope with feelings.
Sensory Gratification

Here are some of the emotional triggers:
Boredom and Procrastination
Bribery and Reward
Frustration, Anger and Rage
Mild Depression
Being Connected
Loosening the Reins

Whether your emotional eating is mild or binge eating here are 4 steps to help you through it. Ask yourself:
1. Am I biologically hungry? If the answer is yes then honor your hunger an eat. If the answer is no answer the following questions.
2. What am I feeling? When you find yourself reaching for food, take a time out and ask yourself what you are feeling. Try the following:
Write out your feelings.
Call a friend and talk about your feelings.
Talk about your feelings into a tape recorder.
Just sit and experience your feelings.
Talk to a counselor.
3. What do I need? Do you need rest? Do you need to take a walk? Get in touch with your feelings and find out what you really need.
4. Would you please...? Ask for help. A lot of times you may be taking a food break between kids and work when you really just need help with the housework.

You must meet your basic needs. Get rest. Get sensual pleasure. Express feelings. Be heard, understood and accepted. Be intellectually and creatively stimulated. Receive comfort and warmth.

When food is no longer important you might be uncomfortable. You will no longer have the benefits of using food. You may also experience feelings in a deeper, stronger way. This will get easier as you go. Embrace it! Learn from it! Move through it!

How do you deal with your feelings without using food?

Live Healthy at!

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