October 6, 2011

7 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 33.9 This Week: 32.5
Last week: Body Fat 47% This week: 45.9%
Last week: Muscle: 23.1% This week: 24%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 9
Last week Waist: 40" This week: 41"
Last week Thigh: 24" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 202.4 This week: 200
Weight loss this week: 2.4

I am very happy with these numbers. I kinda had to laugh because the scale could not say 199.9 NOOOO WAY! Not under 200. Not yet!!! Next week!

I am feeling amazing. I love being thinner. I love all that I can do. I love the energy I have. I love everything about it.

I am changing my book to "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole. I am doing this because this is what my psychologist said my binge eating program would be about. So I need to prepare for my next step. So that is the book I will be discussing here on this blog from now on. I do believe the Beck Diet is wonderful but it is a lot to follow. Unless you have a ton of time for yourself - it is a hard one.

Right now in my journey I am trying to learn how to tell when I am hungry. Am I really hungry or is there another reason I want to eat? This sounds much easier than it is! I continue to work on it every minute of the day.

Excercise is going great! 4 times at the gym and then walks with my dog. I really like my zumba class and my ab class makes me hurt all week so I know that is working! Yoga is absolutely wonderful on a Friday after working out hard all week.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!


  1. Girl, let's party in blogtown when you break through that barrier. Onederland is GREAT. Feels good. Let's dance!!!

    Congrats on the continued progress. Very happy about it for you!!!!

  2. Fantastic!!! Congrats on the loss!

  3. That hungry or not delima? I ask myself, "Am I hungry enough to eat carrots and celery?" If the answer is yes, then I'm hungry, and I'll eat carrots and celery. If the answer is no, then I know it's my emotions screaming at me and tell them to shove it. And I get as far away from the fridge as possible!

  4. YEAH!!!! Look at your go. You are doing amazing. Keep up the great work and you know what....I still want your scale.
    Take care and have a blessed week.

  5. You're doing sooo great! That is a really wise question to ask, and doesn't sound at all easy to me, haha. Doing great with exercise, one way trip to Onederland next week choo choo! :)

  6. Thanks everyone! Off to Onederland...

  7. Congrats on the loss, sounds like you are moving right a long to reach your goals:-)
