October 4, 2011

More answers...

I hope everyone who posted comments reads this because I will try to answer questions on this post. I WILL share any information I can as I go through my new journey of being diagnosed with complusive eating disorder. Like many of you, I have been told suck it up, show some willpower, only you can control what you eat. While this is mostly true, compulsive eating disorder is a mental diagnosis. The only TRUE help for it is to get professional help from a psychologist and do the therapy. This disorder is just like anorexia - you never see an anorexic doing this on their own yet everyone thinks to stop eating can be conquered on your own. Seriously, if you can relate to the signs I posted yesterday please find your behavior specialist and just talk to them! It does not hurt! My psychologist said I will regain all my weight AGAIN if I do not get treatment. It is just a fact. She wasn't being negative just real! There will be those people in your life who DO NOT GET IT! My new response is "This is a mental disorder. Would you say that to a schizophrenic"? I need to work on my issues to overcome this. Then the weight should follow.

Normal eating is learning to listen to your body. Stopping when you are full. Eating when you are hungry. "Dieting" is deprivation. So, what I do is diet or deprive myself then when I am off the diet or something happens I eat everything I could not have before. I binge. I eat 5000 calories in less than a day. It is ugly and very hard to admit. So I go from 800 calories dieting to 5000 binging - not normal! For instance, I lost 75 pounds 2 years ago. Gained it all back in a year. Now I am trying to lose the same 75 pounds by restricting my diet the same way I did last time. This is why I sought help. I do not want to repeat the cycle any more!

Thank you for all the support! You are a great bunch of ladies that I would love to meet for coffee and talk about this with.

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!


  1. makes sense, the healthy eating part. Well it all does but I think I commented before on being confused why they couldn't help until you lost weight so that part struck me most:-) I don't really call what I'm doing a diet, I call it a change of life. I've changed what I eat, how I eat and I monitor how much I eat because I know if I don't that compulsion thing kicks in:-) That way I don't really feel like I'm being deprived at all. If I want something bad enough that a dieter would consider off limits, I don't tell myself no. I'll eat it and work it out or move on or whatever. My problem becomes when I get too lazy or comfy and think it's all good & I no longer need to monitor... then the compulsion side strikes! It'll be interesting so read more as you go though, who knows... maybe I will learn that I do need to see a therapist in the long run (if I can ever make that work!).

  2. I'm really glad you're reading into the disorder more since you feel like it does apply. You're right that keeping weight off depends so much on your mind. Hope this is helping you find the tools you need so that you can, and will end the cycle this time. :)

  3. Thanks! I am sure I will find the right tools that work for me. The psychologist does not help you lose weight. They only help you learn to eat normal and then she said the weight will follow. Probably a lot slower than I would like! I am going to lose a few more pounds and then go visit them again.
