October 3, 2011

Compulsive Eating Disorder

Since my diagnoses on Thursday, I have been reading about this disorder. I can relate to this so I know she made the right diagnoses but I thought I should talk about it so if any of you yo yo dieters can relate you can also seek professional help. She said without help I will regain my weight back just like I have with the past 50 diets.

Here are the 6 warning signs:
1. Eating a lot of food quickly. I always thouht the faster I ate the less it stayed on. Plus I did not want people to see me eat.
2. Bingeing at least twice a week for 6 months. I have done it for years. And there were spans where it was a daily thing. The doctor said she was surprised I did not weigh more than I do!
3. Bingeing alone. Yep, right after everyone leaves. I work nights so I have all day to binge and then all night at work.
4. Being unable to stop eating. It is like you are in a zone. You don't even realize what you have all eaten until after the binge is over then the guilt and self hatred set in.
5. Feeling depressed and guilty after bingeing, feeling self hate. I hated the fact that I was out of control. I like having control over everything and this is one area in my life I feel I do not have it.
6. Not purging, fasting or excercising after bingeing. Never! I wanted to sleep. I thought if I went to sleep it would all go away.

Some cool points to consider:
1. All eating disorders start with a diet to lose weight. HMMMM!!!!
2. If you are a complusive eater. You probally are compulsive in another area of your life like shopping. Yes I am!! I am trying to break that too.
3. 2 to 5% of people have compulsive eating disorder, 1 to 3 have bulimia, less than 1% have anorexia. And do you believe the compulsive eating disorder JUST received it's own category? That is where majority of people with eating disorders fall!!!
4. A traumatic event can trigger binge eating.
5. Overcoming an eating disorder is more difficult than overcoming alcohol or drugs because you need food to live! I think this is why I do so good on shake diets because I have eliminated the food.
6. Almost 1/3 of people who sign up in a weight loss program have binge eating disorder. WOW!

There you have it! Lots of information and lots more to go through. I am getting myself ready for therapy. It took me all weekend but I have come to the conclusion that YES I do have this and YES I do need help!

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!


  1. Do you know you only live about 90 miles from me? I just read your profile, cool beans!!!
    Now for all that you just listed, that's interesting. I can say I fit into that, at least most of it. I can say I think it's excellent you can see that and there's help to help you.
    Please share what you feel like and can along the way. I love learning about all aspects of this diet and life style changes.
    Take care and have a blessed afternoon and thank you for stopping by.

  2. I realized I had a compulsive eating disorder years ago. I am compulsive in other areas, so hardly that surprising it's in the food area, too.

    Probably the single most helpful thing I did was admit it--openly, publicly, to family--take responsibility, and decide to conquer this as a compulsion requiring internal work and strategies. Just go at it like I was conquering a disease such as cancer--aggressively, singlemindedly, with health in view, and realizing that if I break THIS compulsion, I can heal the others. Gives one hope. :D Tackle the BIG one first, ya know?

    Let's all heal and be well....wishing you the best on your healing journey!

    Let's see if this comment makes it. I've tried to comment in the past couple weeks without success.

  3. I've met that criteria exactly to the T. I was actually talking to my husband about my problem today and he got mad at me and said if I have a problem, I can control it. If I don't want to eat healthy, I can. It's all in my head. Well, I am so sad that he doesn't want to "understand" me. Ugh. :(

  4. Thanks Ladies. I answered most of your questions in my post today. Faithfulgyrl - this disorder is even hard for me to understand. All you can do is educate yourself and your husband about it. I will post what I learn along the way!

  5. It's sounds like it's what most overweight people are. 9 times out of 10 there are issues behind why we eat, it's figuring those issues out that's tough. Well, that & staying away from what we choose to medicate with:-) It's tough, I feel that it's where I fit also but I find it managable in my case.... or at least it is now but it's taken years of self analysis, sans therapy cause I couldn't get into that. Good luck to you, I look forward to reading what you have to share on it all.
