October 27, 2011

10 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 32.1 This Week: 31.9
Last week: Body Fat 45.8% This week: 45.9%
Last week: Muscle: 24% This week: 23.9%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 8
Last week Waist: 38" This week: 38"
Last week Thigh: 23" This week: 23"
Last week Chest: 38" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 197.4 This week: 196.2
Weight loss this week: 1.2 pounds
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 28.8 pounds!

I had a plan free 4 day weekend so this loss is not only a surprise but fabulous! It means I stayed focused on what I was doing even off plan. I will say that I have been trying some tools I learned from the book Intuitive Eating. For instance, when I wanted something I had it. I told myself, "You can have a piece of cheesecake and you can have as many as you want". Something happened. I only wanted one piece. What has changed? Before I would have condemned myself for having one piece of very fattening cheese cake. I would have felt so bad that I would have binged on the 4 pieces that were left. Then I would have started in on brownies and whatever else I could get my hands on! By telling myself it was OK and for not beating myself up I WAS SATISFIED! Wow. What a break through. I think I am finally seeing what they are truely saying in this book. It will be a long process. One step at a time!

Live Healthy at thinchic.com!


  1. I've been reading back through your posts about the Intuitive Eating book. Some of the issues - like the food rebel, or frantically desiring something forbidden - are just so exactly what I am! I need to read this book, too.

    Wonderful results, thinchic - you're staying on track. I'm so proud of you, especially for that instance of NOT eating the second half of the fajita salad!!

  2. I´m happy for you. I agree with what you wrote about the book. I´m not denying myself anymore. I may lose slower because of it, but I don´t feel deprived and I can learn to say no after one piece of cake/ice cream or whatever.

  3. congrats on the loss and progress....

    Gillian Riley tells food addicts to accept that they CAN EAT ANYTHING...to tell themselves they can CHOOSE to eat whatever, and that this liberates them to choose NOT to.

    For some folks, the forbidden food is the thing they want.

    I told myself not to have my trigger food, period, and that's worked for nearly a year. The cravings went away pretty much. But if the craving came back, I'd tell myself, "If you want it,have it, but accept the consequences. Every choice has a consequence.

    I still choose NOT to have it. :)

    I'm glad you found a way that works with your needs/psyche. Keep going!

  4. Sounds like you had a good week, hope this coming week continues to work for you.

  5. Congrats on the loss. I really like your mindset in terms of thinking that I can have anything. Food does not need to have such a hold. I am in control and can still lose weight even if I do not eat 'perfectly'

    Thanks for being an inspiration.

    I mentioned you in my last post.


  6. Thanks for the motivation! I need it today. Damn Halloween candy is all over the house!!! And I am alone. UGH!
