October 12, 2011

Reject the Diet mentality

I am reading Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. This will be what I learn in my Compulsive Eating therapy so I thought I would read it to see what it is about. I will do a review of a principle every so often. Today I want to review principle one: Reject the Diet Mentality.

Dieter's Dilemma

A. Desire to be thin
B. Dieting
C. Cravings: Reduced self control
D. Loss of Control: Overeating
E. Regain of lost weigh

Step 1: Recognize and acknowledge the damage that dieting causes
1. Diets teach the body to retain more fat when you start eating again.
2. Diets slow the rate of weight loss with each attempt.
3. Diets decrease metabolism.
4. Diets increase binges and cravings.
5. Diets increase risk of premature death and heart disease.
6. Diets cause satiety cues to atrophy.
7. Diets cause body shape to change.
8. Diets are linked to eating disorders.
9. Diets cause feelings of failure, lowered self esteem and social anxiety.

Step 2: Be aware of diet mentality traits and thinking
1. Forget willpower. Willpower can be defined as an attempt to counter natural desires and replace them with proscriptive rules.
2. Forget being obedient. When dieting you will eventually rebel by eating more.
3. Forget about failure. You can not fail at intuitive eating. Every step is a learning experience.

Step 3: Get rid of the dieter's tools.
1. The scale. It is a false idol.
The only tools you need are internal cues, not outside forces telling you what, when and how much to eat.

This first principle goes against everything I have done for a very long time. It is a lot to absorb. It also made me think that maybe I need to start my therapy now. That I have a lot of work to do and I should get started. I wonder how long it takes a person like me to ditch the diet mentality! Dieting is all I ever think about from sun up to sun down. I think about it when I eat, when I excercise, when I get dressed, when I am in social situations, when I am falling asleep, when I lose weight, when I gain weight, when I binge, after I binge and when I shop. I have a lot of work to do! Any thoughts on this? It is a whole new way of living for most of us.

Live healthy at thinchic.com!


  1. Great info, thanks for sharing... I should check this book out myself!

  2. I tried I.E. Not for me. If it works for folks, then great, they should use what works. For me, willpower and strategy is what worked when nothing else worked. Choosing. Willpower to me is choosing...and I can choose to eat a lot, a little, in between, good, middling or bad. But I CHOOSE and that give ME the power, not the diet.

    Plus, I don't think of diet as crash diet or packaged diet. I think of diet as eating--what I choose to eat. Me, I can't go by intuition cause it's Effed up. My intuition says eat the whole damn pizza. i can't trust it.

    I can only trust my choice. What do I CHOOSE to eat and do? What goals do I have? Can I meet the goals with certain changes? Am I willing to make those changes?

    For me, different process. But we're individuals and must do what it takes to heal.

  3. My issue is that I am an all or nothing person. So I restrict myself so much when dieting and then when I get to where I want to be I binge eat everything I took away from myself. Right now this intuitive eating freaks me out. I think WOW how will I ever know to stop. I am sure they will teach me. I hope I can learn!
