September 30, 2011

6 week weigh in

Last week: BMI 33.3 This Week: 32.9
Last week: Body Fat 48.3 This week: 47.6
Last week: Muscle: 22.7% This week: 23.1%
Last week: Visceral Fat 9 This week: 9
Last week Waist: 40" This week: 38"
Last week Thigh: 24" This week: 24
Last week Chest: 39" This week: 38"
Weight: Last week 204 This week: 202.4
Weight loss this week: 1.6
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST: 22.6 pounds!

According to the Beck diet I have weighed daily. I am going to stop. I would gain and lose 1-2 pounds a day. I took the numbers way to personally. I am going back to once a week. I know this number is more accurate and it will keep me on track.

I had my appointment yesterday with a behavior specialist. She was a psychologist whom diagnosed me with Complusive Eating Disorder. I am not shocked just confused on where to go from here. She said treatment would include therapy once a week. And meeting with a dietician to learn how to eat normal. Here is my thing. I need to lose weight and then I need help keeping it off. They do not help people lose only to learn how to eat normal. What the hell is normal? I have never eaten NORMAL? It scares me! Because she saw that this upset me she suggested I continue to lose weight and come back when I am ready to start aggressive treatment on this mental disorder. So 25 more pounds and then I will call her for an appointment. That is what I have decided to do.

My lab work came back. My A1C is 7.4 which is too high. My good cholestrol is too low 31. My bad cholestrol is fine. These numbers right here are why I need to lose 25 more pounds. I know if I lose this weight my diabetes goes away. I refuse to be put back on that medication. And there you have it! Hang on for the ride...

Live healthy at!


  1. You can do this. It's hard but look how far you've dome. You're doing excellent and you will continue. I know you will and when you get to where you want to be there will be help there for you to learn to do what's next. YEAH!!!
    Take care and have a blessed week.
    P.S. I still love that scale, never can afford it but sure love reading all about it with your weights and more.

  2. Dang it all. This is the second comment, the first vanished. You can do this. I know it's hard but just think when you get to your goal there's help there waiting to teach you what's next. Keep up the great work. Take care and God Bless!!

  3. Nice loss! That appointment sounds like it was a lot to take in at once. I think every day we stick to it we are learning new habits and how to eat more "normally" too. Keep doing great. :)

  4. WTG on the loss. What is y our plan for your A1c level? I know what you mean baout weighing daily. If its down I feel free 2 play... if it is up I am grouch. I weigh 2 times a week.... Wed. & Sat.

  5. My plan for my A1C is to keep dieting. I have gotten my numbers to normal before by using the protein shakes while I diet and was taken off all my meds. So I will keep going and by the time I make my next appointment I should be normal!

  6. Congrats on the loss for the week. You are rocking this challenge.

  7. Congrats on the loss. Im confused on the normal eating vs losing weight thing... don't they kinda go hand in hand?

  8. Good luck on everything! Way to go getting a loss this week. Have a great day!

  9. As my son DirtBike's Literature teacher would say, "Because I love you, I'm going to be straight up with you."

    An A1C of 7.4 is not good. This is the range in which your diabetes could start causing permanent damage to your eyes, liver and nerves. Losing 25 pounds will not make your diabetes go away. It will put your diabetes under control, but it will never go away. Once your pancreas starts failing, the only way to get rid of diabetes is a pancreatic transplant.

    This ISN'T the end of the world, though! How many diseases out there can be controlled and kept in remission with healthy food choices and plenty of exercise? Diabetes is the only one.

    Committing to healthy eating and regular exercise, as well as monitoring your blood glucose levels every day for the rest of your life will keep you off of insulin, but you have to commit. The alternative is blindness, neurapathy or other nastiness.

    Me? I'm starting my 6th year as a diabetic. My last A1c was 5.0, the combined result of weight loss, many hours of exercise and years of eating well. I am still a diabetic - if I stop getting exercise, eat a bunch of nutritionally void garbage, that A1c will shoot up faster than I can blink an eye, and I'll be on insulin and other meds.

    So get on it. Keep up with your fantastic weight loss, commit to exercise and healthier eating, and live a long, long life.

  10. Thanks Angela! You always have such inspirational posts. They resonate with me a long time after I read them. I know I need to stop the denial and start taking control!!!
