June 23, 2011


So I need to talk about VISION. Basically because that is what I need to work on along with a lot of other people. I started something rather neat about 6 months ago. I started a vision board. I went through magazines and cut out all the things I want or envision in my future. Then I glued them to a board. My board consists of health, a new house, fitness, money, Alaska trip, family, an ipad and of course my black Mustang!

I put this board where I can see it everyday. I look at it and imagine that all the things are already true. This is what the pros do. They envision a perfect game, a perfect ski jump, a perfect performance. It is more than imagination so don't get confused. They actually see it happening, smell it happening, taste it happening and feel it happening.

This is what I want your assignment to be this week. Close your eyes for 10 minutes every day and imagine being a normal weight. Imagine playing with your kids without being out of breath. Imagine wanting to workout. Imagine eating healthy and feeling so good about it. Imagine what you want your healthy life to be like. See yourself as a healthy person, smell yourself as a healthy person, taste yourself as a healthy person, feel yourself as a healthy person.

You can do this!
LIVE HEALTHY at www.thinchic.com

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