July 14, 2011

Feed your Feelings

I wanted to touch base on emotional eating some more. It is such a huge issue for many of you including me. Serotonin is our basic feel good hormone. Sugars and simple carbs release a quick burst of this hormone making us feel great for a little bit. Then we crash and crave more of those foods. So we eat more. Feel great. Crash. Crave more. And the cycle keeps going and going.

I know I have gone for months in this vicious cycle. It is a hard one to break. So let's talk about how we can break the cycle.

1. Stop blaming yourself. This will cause you to get upset and EAT!
2. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet so your body has all it needs.
3. Excercise - excercise curbs cravings.
4. Supplements - vitamins and snack defense (see item) will help with stabalize sugars.

This will take time so be patient with yourself. Your body has a lot of healing to do. Give it time! BUT STOP FEEDING YOUR FEELINGS and really listen to what they want. They want to be healthy.

LIVE HEALTHY at thinchic.com

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