July 22, 2011

Want some water?

Eight glasses a day? Are you kidding? It’s really not that much. Eight 8-ounce glasses amount to about two quarts of water. This is okay for the average person, but if you’re overweight, you should drink another eight ounces for every 25 pounds of excess weight you carry.

I always try to carry water with me. It amazes me how fast I drink it when it is in my hand. I am usually not even aware that I am drinking it until it is gone and I have to throw the container away. Also, use a water bottle so you can keep track of how much water you are drinking.

Water is so good for you. It flushes out bad toxins and fat! Plus it fills you up so you do not eat as much. Your goal this week is to INCREASE your water intake. How many ounces can you drink in a day? The challenge is on.

By the way - no weigh in numbers today. Nothing has changed which is good because it means no weight gain. Stay POSITIVE and drink WATER all week.

LIVE HEALTHY at thinchic.com!

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