September 27, 2011


Yes I said the word POOP! The one thing I can not stand about high protein diets is it clogs me up! I have to stay on top of it. Which I failed to do because it was going so well. So needless to say now I feel like I have 10 pounds of poop in my stomach that wants to come out but can not. I am going to start a rigorous menu of aloe and fiber. I hope to get things moving. I might see a big loss this week if I can get it moving!

In Kore class today we did 5 stations of planks. REALLY? I hate her. I am so freaking tired and my arms are jello. Not sure what my abs are doing. They are in shock. I know, I know this means I REALLY REALLY need this class! I will get these planks down yet!

Today I have my annual physical. Oh fun! This means blood work and I am excited to see my numbers. Pray for a normal A1C and low cholestrol.

Has anyone read the book The 4 hour body? It was recommended by a friend. Looks interesting. Just wondering if anyone has dedicated themselves to it. It is a very big book!

Live Healthy at!

1 comment:

  1. Water. Drink lots and lots of water. Poop cannot withstand being flooded out. Seriously. That's how sewer lines are cleaned out. Of course, I wouldn't recommend drinking from a fire hose, but you get the general idea...
