September 13, 2011

THE SPARK Chapter 8 Stage 3

This chapter talks all about being your own coach. Something most of us are very bad at! I find it very interesting in this chapter how it states that gaining and losing weight is such a private matter for us. For instance, I know it was VERY tough for me to put my true weight on my christmas dress blog. My husband who loves me dearly, does not even know what I weigh. Now anyone can find that out! BUT I know I have to be honest to myself and others or I will never succeed.
This chapter also talks about the online community. And man am I glad you are all in my life! I never expected this weight loss community to be so strong and supportive. But you are and I love you all! I am very positive that doing this blog (no matter how hard it is sometimes!) is the right choice for me.
On Sunday I had a lot of negative thoughts going through my head over chips and salsa. This week my goal is POSITIVE thoughts and sayings to myself. I woud like to start right now.
Tina, you are doing awesome at working out! You have been to the gym every day this week. You did Zumba on Monday and Kwikkore today. You have the gym scheduled for the rest of the week. You are sore and yet you got right back in there. Hooray for you!

Say something positive to yourself - you deserve it!

Live Healthy at!


  1. I too had an issue posting my weight, I talked myself into it so I could have the continued support & cause other than those in the challenges, not a lot of people read my blog... LOL! Well, comment at least... I guess they may read it just choose not to say they were there:-)

  2. I've heard good things about the Spark book before and it sounds like there's some great stuff in it. Hooray for you for working out and posting your number, both are brave! :)
